Amazon Frogbit: A Floating Oasis for Your Aquarium

Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) is a captivating floating plant that can transform your aquarium into a miniature aquatic ecosystem. Its unique, rosette-shaped leaves provide shade and shelter for fish, while its rapid growth rate helps to control algae and improve water quality. But did you know that Amazon Frogbit can also act as a natural filter, absorbing excess nutrients from the water column?

Plant Profile

  • Scientific Name: Limnobium laevigatum
  • Common Names: Amazon Frogbit, Water Lettuce (though distinct from true Water Lettuce – Pistia stratiotes)
  • Origin: South America, specifically the Amazon River basin.
  • Appearance:
    • Forms a rosette of round, light green leaves that float on the water surface.
    • Leaves are smooth and glossy with a slightly concave shape.
    • Grows rapidly under optimal conditions, quickly covering the water surface.
  • Care Requirements
  • Lighting: Thrives in moderate to high light conditions. Strong lighting will encourage vigorous growth.
  • Water Parameters:
    • pH: 6.0-7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral)
    • Temperature: 72-82°F (22-28°C)
    • Water Hardness: Tolerates a wide range of water hardness.
  • Nutrient Requirements:
    • Absorbs nutrients directly from the water column.
    • While it can thrive in nutrient-poor conditions, adding a small amount of liquid fertilizer to the water column can enhance growth and coloration.
    • Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive algae growth.
  • CO2: Not typically required.
  • Water Flow: Prefers calm water conditions. Strong currents can damage the delicate leaves and dislodge the plants.


  • Plantlets: Amazon Frogbit reproduces asexually by producing plantlets (offshoots) that grow from the base of the mother plant.
    • Step 1: Allow the plantlets to develop a few leaves and a small root system.
    • Step 2: Gently separate the plantlets from the mother plant.
    • Step 3: Allow the newly separated plantlets to float freely on the water surface.


  • Community Tanks: Can be used in community tanks with peaceful fish species, such as tetras, rasboras, and guppies. It provides excellent cover for fry and adds a unique visual element to the aquarium.
  • Livebearer Tanks: Highly beneficial for livebearer tanks, offering ample hiding spots for fry and reducing stress levels.
  • Turtle and Tortoise Tanks: A popular choice for turtle and tortoise enclosures, providing both shade and a natural food source.
  • Placement: Floats freely on the water surface, covering a portion of the water’s surface area.


  • Overgrowth:
    • Regularly remove excess plants to control growth and prevent the water surface from becoming completely covered.
    • Reduce lighting intensity if necessary.
  • Algae Growth:
    • Increase water circulation with a gentle current.
    • Ensure proper water parameters and avoid over-fertilization.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies:
    • If growth appears stunted or the leaves become pale, add a small amount of liquid fertilizer to the water column.

Additional Tips

  • Controlling Growth: Regular removal of excess plants is crucial to prevent the water surface from becoming completely covered, which can restrict gas exchange and inhibit light penetration to lower levels of the aquarium.
  • Sunlight: Amazon Frogbit can also be grown in outdoor ponds with adequate sunlight. However, be mindful of its potential for invasive growth in natural environments.
  • Cleaning: Gently rinse the leaves of Amazon Frogbit with aquarium water to remove debris.


Amazon Frogbit is a fascinating and easy-to-care-for plant that adds a touch of the wild to any aquarium. Its rapid growth, shade-providing capabilities, and ability to improve water quality make it a valuable asset for both beginners and experienced aquarists. While it requires careful monitoring to prevent overgrowth, Amazon Frogbit can be a rewarding addition to your aquatic ecosystem, providing a unique and visually appealing element to your aquarium.